- Royal Mead
- Bath
- Commercial
- Rehabilitation Hospital
- Southampton
- Healthcare
- 60 Wimpole Street
- London
- Listed Buildings & Conservation Area
- 92 Bickenhall Mansions
- London
- Residential
- Barts Wellbeing Hubs
- East and North London
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- 142-146 Harley Street
- London
- Listed Buildings & Conservation Area
- Barts Maternity Service
- London
- Healthcare
- 9 Weymouth Mews
- London
- Residential
- Great Ormond Street Hospital Sight and Sound Centre
- London
- Healthcare
- 43 Portland Place
- London
- Commercial
- Aberfeldy WellOne
- London
- Healthcare
- The Dermatology Partnership
- London
- Healthcare
- Fife Elective Orthopaedic Centre
- Kirkcaldy
- Healthcare
- Guys Hospital Linac
- London
- Healthcare
- Wellington Hospital’s Rehabilitation Centre
- London
- Healthcare
- New Cavendish Street Ophthalmic Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- St. Francis & St. Elizabeth Wards
- London NW8
- Healthcare
- Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion
- Edinburgh
- Healthcare
- Evelina London Children's Hospital
- London
- Healthcare
- Barclay House
- Great Ormond Street
- Commercial
- Preventicum Clinic
- London WC2
- Healthcare
- St. Leonards Mental Health Unit
- London N1
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Emblem House
- London SE1
- Healthcare
- Shropshire House Laboratories
- London WC1
- Healthcare
- Harley Street Proton Beam Therapy
- London W1
- Healthcare
- The Focus Clinic
- London
- Healthcare
- Moorhouse
- London EC2
- Commercial
- Galaxy Ward
- London E13
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Sunbeams
- Norfolk
- Residential
- Midford Place
- London W1
- Commercial
- The Energy Institute
- London W1
- Commercial
- Westside
- Hemel Hempstead
- Commercial
- King’s Cross Recruitment Centre
- London N1C
- Commercial
- Marlow International
- Marlow
- Commercial
- London Stock Exchange
- London EC4
- Commercial
- Project Pentrak
- London EC1
- Commercial
- Dementia Adventure Holiday Home
- Essex
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Pictet London
- London EC2
- Commercial
- Harley Street Clinic Staff Canteen
- London W1
- Commercial
- City of London Data Hall
- London EC1
- Commercial
- Dalston
- London E8
- Commercial
- Twinwoods Crisis Unit
- Bedford
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Platinum Café
- London NW8
- Commercial
- Healthcare
- Midland Metropolitan Hospital
- Birmingham
- Healthcare
- Isokinetic Sports Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- London W1
- Healthcare
- The Baird Family Hospital
- Aberdeen
- Healthcare
- The Anchor Centre
- Aberdeen
- Healthcare
- Healthcare
- Wellington Knee Unit
- London NW8
- Healthcare
- Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
- Cambridge
- Healthcare
- European Scanning Centre
- London W1
- Healthcare
- The Shard
- London SE1
- Healthcare
- City of Coventry Health Facility
- Coventry
- Healthcare
- Procter House
- London E17
- Commercial
- Harley Street Paediatric Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Devonshire Street Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- The Heart Hospital Theatres
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Barts Maternity Theatres
- London E1
- Healthcare
- Altimo London
- London EC2
- Commercial
- Alcentra London
- London EC2
- Commercial
- City Of Coventry Family Services
- Coventry
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- 322 High Holborn
- London WC1
- Commercial
- San Paolo IMI
- London EC4
- Commercial
- The Harley Street Fertility Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Harley Street at UCH
- London NW1
- Healthcare
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Moorfields Eye Hospital Entrance
- London EC1
- Healthcare
- LOC - 95 Harley Street
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Wellington Hospital AAU
- London NW8
- Healthcare
- London Bridge Hospital Expansion
- London SE1
- Healthcare
- Portland Hospital Day Case Unit
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Lakeside Medical Centre
- London SE2
- Healthcare
- Lordship Lane Primary Care Centre
- London N17
- Healthcare
- Princess Grace Hospital ITU
- London W1
- Healthcare
- St. Leonards Polyclinic
- London N1
- Healthcare
- Platinum Medical Centre
- London NW8
- Healthcare
- Harley Street Clinic ITU
- London W1
- Healthcare
- Princess Grace Hospital Main Entrance
- London W1
- Healthcare
- London Ultrasound Clinic
- London W1
- Healthcare
- St. Olaf House
- London SE1
- Healthcare
- The Harley Street Dental Studio
- London W1
- Healthcare
- The Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
- London W1
- Healthcare
- 8 Harley Place
- London W1
- Residential
- 3 Devonshire Mews North
- London W1
- Residential
- Learning Disabilities Unit
- London E9
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Hallam Street
- London W1
- Residential
- RNID Specialist Mental Health Unit
- London EC1
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Private Residence
- London
- Residential
- 122 Harley Street
- London W1
- Residential
- St. Mungo's Hostel
- London
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- 64 Harley Street
- London W1
- Residential
- 102 Harley Street
- London W1
- Residential
- Mile End Hospital Dementia Ward
- London E1
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Walsgrave Mental Health Unit
- Coventry
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- The Centre for Respiratory Medicine
- London W2
- Healthcare
- Aberfeldy WellOne
- London
- Mental Health & Wellbeing